Digging Tree Stumps

Digging out a tree stump is a labor-intensive but effective method for its removal, particularly for smaller stumps with shallow root systems. This approach involves manually excavating the soil around the stump and removing it piece by piece.

Here’s a general overview of the process:

  • Excavation: Using shovels, digging bars, or specialized excavation equipment, the soil surrounding the stump is carefully removed. This process continues until the majority of the root system is exposed.
  • Root Severance: Once the roots are exposed, they are systematically severed using tools such as saws, axes, or specialized root cutters. This weakens the stump’s hold in the ground and makes it easier to remove.
  • Stump Removal: After the roots are severed, the stump itself can be removed in sections using shovels, picks, and other suitable tools. The excavated soil can then be used to backfill the area.


  • Labor Intensity: Digging out a stump is physically demanding work and may require significant time and effort.
  • Root System: This method is most effective for stumps with shallow root systems. Deeply rooted stumps may require extensive excavation and may not be practical to remove entirely by digging.
  • Soil Conditions: Soil type and moisture content can significantly impact the ease of excavation.
  • Surrounding Area: Care must be taken to avoid damaging surrounding structures like fences, patios, or underground utilities during the excavation process.


  • Control: Digging provides a high degree of control over the removal process, allowing for careful excavation and minimizing damage to the surrounding area.
  • Environmentally Friendly: It avoids the use of chemicals or machinery that may impact the environment.


  • Time-Consuming: It is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process.
  • Physical Demands: It requires significant physical exertion.
  • May Not Be Suitable for All Stumps: It may not be practical for large or deeply rooted stumps.

Digging out a tree stump can be a viable option for smaller stumps and for those who prefer a more hands-on and environmentally friendly approach to removal. However, it’s crucial to assess the specific circumstances and consider alternative methods if necessary. Consulting with a qualified arborist or tree removal service can help determine the most appropriate and safe approach for your specific needs.